That helped to make our trip faster... We were able to do the adoption
of all 5 in one court hearing, we had to do 2 sda appointments...
the first 2 boys they gave us as a referral did not want to be adopted.
We never even met them... we got our second appt. days later and
this time they allowed us to adopt unrelated children... A miracle because
they said they don't allow the adoption of 3 unrelated groups or
children--- they have let us do this 2 diff. times.
We also were able to do 4 of the kid's birth certificates right in Donetsk and Jonas's was done on that 15 hr day...
Our passports were done in a half a day.... all in Donetsk.
what angels you and your husband are, to adopt so many children! one day i hope to be financially stable enough to do the same. i love kids!
Momma Jeane, we are praying about adopting more children with the girl we hosted this summer. They would be unrelated to her; we are praying to find a sibling group. Did the SDA mean they wouldn't refer unrelated children to you, but they did anyway? We are thinking we may need to find specific children through other families who have adopted in our girl's region. If you like, feel free to e-mail me at hoffhouse at hotmail dot com. I wouldn't mind also hearing how you run your household...we would be going from no children to three or four, and I work full-time from home. :-) Thank you! May the Lord continue to bless you and yours!
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