leg surgery Wed. am early. He is having a metal plate placed
inside his r knee to align his growth plate so the leg will grow straight.
He is such a dear and wonderful patient but of course he has had lots of time to learn how to be a great patient... this one will be his 10th one in 4 yrs. Everyone at the hospital loves him... he takes his medicines great,lets them draw blood or do his IV even without us holding him or shedding a tear... everyone one of his recovery room experiences when he is just waking up to us he always has this precious smile....So please pray that it goes well tomorrow for him.
Jean - I'll be praying. I have loved that smile ever since seeing it last year on Tina's web group on yahoo. I didn't know who his parents were until I happened upon your blog. He's such a trooper and looks like such a sweet, sweet boy.
Praying and wondering how little Luke did with his surgery?
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