These are the 2 referral pictures of Dancho (Andrew) that we got... they speak volumes to me. In the first as an infant when he was first brought to the orphanage... he was chubby and engaging.. very endearing and able to connect to others... then after a few years with rough handling, neglect, and absoulutely no stimulation for his senses... He lost 1.32 lbs. in 8 months. He weighs just 20 lbs.I hate this picture of him..... Actually I can not even think too long about him there and what he is enduring while we wait for our court date.... we mailed our 800 off yesterday and have done all the updates for the medicals and police clearances... now we wait . We have asked for our case to be expedited because of his condition.... please pray that we get to return sooner than later for our kids. Gracie Jane was not as critical... even that is a ridiculous comment but at least she has some body fat, and gets some attention......
There are 2 precious little girls ( infants) in the room next to his who look and act just like his baby picture... I shudder to think what will happen to them in a few years... My doctor looked at Dancho's pictures and said,"That is a failure to thrive if I ever saw one"... then you watch the video of him laughing and I just know how much he will change when we get him home and we all can't wait.....
May God Bless all of you!
Breaks my heart to think of him there too. It also angers me to think those two precious babies are there and they are are taking forever to refer young kids. If I didn't have my family here (was single) I would go to Bulgaria and volunteer holding those precious children.
Praying for you and your "babies"!
Reminds me of Yana, though I haven't seen her yet. .... Shawnee seems to be doing much better!
Thank you for keeping before us the future of these children without intervention. May you have favor with God and man as you navigate this adoption!
Oh the thought just makes me cry. Our Erika and Sarah were in cribs for years. They were both left to lay; and Sarah wound up in a TB sanitarium where the doctor said she was crazy and would die. Erika was said to just lay and rock back and forth. Both didn't get to an orphanage until they were 4; Sarah adopted at 5, then disrupted, Erika adopted by us at almost 8.....
Oh they have come so far. It is so hard to wait Jeane, I know..... just knowing Dacho isn't being treated well, makes you just want to pack your bags and camp out at the orphanage. :( We will pray that you get to go very, VERY soon and that the Lord will heal all those little areas of neglect with both of the children. God Bless....
Breaks my heart! We are getting ready to go back to Ukraine in about 2 weeks and this is the time I am always thinking lets just stay home. Then I see faces of all the children and I KNOW why we go because there are so many children we left behind last time. We will be praying for your family and specifically for the ones far away that they will be safe and that your process will be smooth and fast. They really changed so much with just even your short visits, I am excited to see them in just a few short weeks after being home!
It breaks my heart to see how mistreated these children are. Why oh why are more people not willing to adopt these children???
Bless you and your family. I know he will blossom with your love.
How much does Andrew weigh? Is he walking with help at all?
Trying to picture my girls....
He weighs just under 20lbs.. and can stand some with help. We never saw him walk... I am sure he can not without some help... honestly we spoiled him by the end of the 5 day visits he only wanted to hold onto us and be held... he would bury right into us...
I am so sorry that you can't bring him home, right now, today! I have wondered how much better our younger son's transition might have been if we had been able to bring him home younger, and yet he was not neglected the way that your son has been. I am praying that you are able to return quickly to bring him home.Carolyn
Oh wow Jeanne! He really is tiny! Yana weighs 23 and is a year younger. :( But wow, what a treat and a blessing that he wanted to be held by you so much! I know if my girls react badly at first to being held, it will break my heart! I understand, and know its not about me, but I love to hold my kids!
Thanks for answering!
I will be praying for your two little ones...for their hearts to be at peace while they wait and that the Lord gives them a supernatural knowing and comfort that their Mommy and Daddy is coming for them just as fast as they can. I pray that they are feeling your love for them and that it is helping them to endure this time. Also, for you and your family, I pray for a peace and for all the right people to handle the paperwork and process in the fastest way possible.
Blessins to you and your family,
Lori Schumaker
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