Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ghana update

We arrived late last nite, tired but anxious to get to work. FaceTime with the kids back home is a joy we love.... But lots went on just in 24 hrs since we left. We could use your prayers to cover the family at home:  

A nasty stomach bug is  never fun but multiple that by 32 people - not all have had it yet and you know how that goes , " Will I be next."

Also Mya 's surgical site looks infected again ( from the pics they sent) call to doctor for stronger meds..

Scheduling change at work for Keith

Kids acting up just cuz that is how they process momma and daddy being gone

Lots of chores not done...

Unspoken request

Funny though things are better this am when MK ftimed me and she showed me signs the kids made that are posted all over-  wash your hands at least 15 seconds and use hand sanitizer!

Then by each bed are buckets for when the next one gets sick .

I love my kids .... They are so much like me : )

Please pray for my sweethearts at home, pray for Paul and I in Ghana- May we always shine for you Jesus and share about you - give us many devine moments and lots of opportunities to share our faith and your love. Last nite was one moment already and we had not even been in Ghana for an hour - thank you Jesus a - pray for a man named Abraham .

1 comment:

MARY B. said...

Praying for your family!
Love, Mary B