First Snow
Learning to walk in his legs from November ....
He was just a mere 9lbs, hands tightly clasped, not making eye contact with us and showing very little emotions. After just 2 days we had him laughing . He had severe reflux and vomited all the time. Good thing all of my bio. kids did to because I was well equipped to deal with this issue and he quickly over came his reflux issues and gained weight. He now is pushing 25 lbs and eats every thing we do. He has surpassed all of his developmental markers and probably the most amazing is his language development. He remembers and sings complete songs that he hears. He repeats everything and speaks in full sentences. He is deeply bonded to all of us . He can name each member of the family and all of the Johnsons who are 11 more names. He is one of the littles and plays along with them. He can even count to 10. Some people might wonder about our mega, large family but honestly for children like Jubal it is the best stimulation mixed with love that happens here . This many around him to help, encourage and support him thru his life.
Jubal you bring so much joy to our family ! Can't wait for your next year.