First Snow
Learning to walk in his legs from November ....
He was just a mere 9lbs, hands tightly clasped, not making eye contact with us and showing very little emotions. After just 2 days we had him laughing . He had severe reflux and vomited all the time. Good thing all of my bio. kids did to because I was well equipped to deal with this issue and he quickly over came his reflux issues and gained weight. He now is pushing 25 lbs and eats every thing we do. He has surpassed all of his developmental markers and probably the most amazing is his language development. He remembers and sings complete songs that he hears. He repeats everything and speaks in full sentences. He is deeply bonded to all of us . He can name each member of the family and all of the Johnsons who are 11 more names. He is one of the littles and plays along with them. He can even count to 10. Some people might wonder about our mega, large family but honestly for children like Jubal it is the best stimulation mixed with love that happens here . This many around him to help, encourage and support him thru his life.
Jubal you bring so much joy to our family ! Can't wait for your next year.
Aww so adorable mom. He's so precious.... LOve him:)
I love the pics of him:) So happy to be his big sister
dear jeanne...
I have read your whole blog with passion. I am sad that the blog is stopped in Mei, but I understand. You are a busy mom of all those precious childeren and Your family does such a great job on protecting and loving each child.
I have a great respect for you, your husband and your childeren, like Mary Kate who follows your footsteps with her husband Keith, with there beautiful 9. I have littlerly se them grown true your blog. Love that!! Your are so proud of them, that such a gift for the childeren.
I have write you on FB, my name is Imke Steevens. And no I have no kids, but that is a whole other story. I really wanted to, a big familie. But my life changed a lot, and It´s nver going to happen, but reading such storys as your and your lovely daughters giving me just the fealing that LIVE is good!!
The only thing we have the same is our love for childeren { I have a degree in Pedagogie}, but for me aspecially DOGS. We have 2 Labradors, 1 blond and 1 brown and a Beagle.
And I love them!! They are my JOY... same as the Birds in my garden, the stray cats whe feed and al the helpless animals who we can save.
Oh and I love gardening, my flowers, my herbs...
I am very crafty to, crosstitch, card making, so maybe whe are more egual then I thought.
Wel this is a long story, I am sorry!! But I feel so blessed with reading your blog, and I hop { and really hope} that you and your husband Paul have a beautiful life, with your beautiful childeren and that you may stay healty so you can be the amazing mom to all the childeren now in your familie and those of the future...
Please continu with the blog, and ignore all those hate comments, those people are jealous. They don´t no better. It´s there lose, not yours. Don´t focus on them, you do a great job, you help so many precious little lifes... You two are two amazing people...
With deep respect and a warm huge imke steevens
Sorry for the many mistakes in my english, I am a Dutch women from Nelgium and English is not my first language
Every time I look at your page and see your amazing family my heart rejoices. I start praying and thanking God for giving these beautiful children this amazing family.
God bless you all and thank you for sharing them.
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