to cook. Someone has a chore to fix the 10 little ones breakfast.
They have to pick a fruit, something dairy, and a grain- like bread,
cereal, granola bar. This is not all the kids just the ones in the kitchen
with me this am.. Usually we cook for a minimum of 23 and often
it is 25 to 27 with some friends over.... Tonite I made macaroni and cheese
for 31 .. I used the whole super large bag of noodles from Sams Club. We have a garden
and our cucumbers are doing well, tomatoes are so so... we also ate a "Russian" salad
with cukes, tomatoes, onions. olives, feta cheese in my biggest bowl, and 3 lg. jars of
applesauce... I have gotten used to cooking for this mega, super large family
now after 7 weeks home with the 5 new ones. It is like this for all 3 meals... People
often ask how we do this.... We eat a minimum of 5 fruits and vegtables and often it is
7 we have eaten by the dinner meal. We teach lots about nutrition here and work hard
for them to understand why we are eating this way...The ones who help cook or prepare
will often say we need 2 fruits or veggies....

Great picture!
Soooo many memories have been made around that kitchen island =)
I love the picture of everyone!
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