Saturday, April 2, 2011

Celebrating Jonas's 16th day of birth....

We had 3 b-days in one week...Lots of celebrating and lots of dessert :) as the kids said. I make this Dirt Dessert the most ....It happens to be one of their favorites. Jonas has been home from Ukraine for 2yrs. and 9 months. This day we celebrated his day of birth but we also celebrate how much he has overcome....I am very proud of the effort Jonas has made in going beyond his very dysfunctional family and very violent history with his family. It is not a secret and I have shared before that his dad killed his mom, and his brother killed his dad. His brother is in prison. When we met Jonas he was 13. He had smoked since he was 6 yrs.. He quit cold turkey with us and has done exceedingly well at being positive and trying to be a leader of his younger brothers. He was the first child we adopted who stole money from us and he would manipulate situations just like he did on the street and in his orphanage. He also is a cancer survivor...He lost his l eye to cancer as an infant. I love this last picture of him because it shows how natural his prosethetic eye looks. He has had 2 surgeries to correct his eye orbit and 3 prosthetic eyes made to get it right. He is a very intelligent yg. man with a natural gift towards researching and engineering. He loves to create and build things or to see how they are made by taking them apart and rebuilding them. He just made me a plant stand  and did it all by himself... and is very proud of his effort. He often asks us a million questions about things...much like a 2 to 3 yr old but at an adult level :)  Jonas I can't wait to see how the Lord will use your ingenuity and past to help others in your future. We love you Jonas....

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