I looked up today to see Abraham doing his daily 30 minutes of exercise - with Stephen and Annabel. They had a ball doing the same things he did. Then later when Keith came they wrestled with him...I don't know who had more fun the kids or Keith.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
We have been enjoying our pools....
To say that the new kids enjoy the pool is an understatement...they love to swim and play in the water. It has been a delight to watch them play and have a good time....they sleep well at nite to. They have been home now a week and a day and they are fitting right in with the rest of the bunch. I have to admit I am tired at nite too :) The energy and activity is tiring to keep up with but we are having a blast watching them discover a whole new world.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Just what are they eating ?
If we have had any issues it would be around food but not really anymore. As you can expect our food is way different than what they were eating in Ghana. I knew this and had prepared some known favorite dishes or foods that they were used to in Ghana. Rice and hard boiled eggs were the main staple for the first few days until they have tasted some of our American food- like peanut butter, spaghetti, and pizza. They love all 3...as you can see Annabel eating here :) They also discovered apples and will eat 2 a day at least. They are not as picky and are enjoying more diff. foods now. They even like cold cereal ( not a favorite of mine ) with milk for breakfast. The do not ask to eat all the time like before and they eat with forks and spoons well.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Saying hi to Kofi
Here the kids were waving and saying hi to Kofi- our coordinator in Ghana. They thought I was funny asking them to say hi....
Sunday, June 26, 2011
This is how all "princess" Ghana momma's carry their babies...
They love to play with their babies and this is how they carry them...just like the momma's do in Ghana :)
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Eli update...
Eli had a rough day and last nite. He threw up lots and was very uncomfortable. Jeremiah stayed last nite in the picu with him and went home for a few hours when Jenn came. I talked to her on the phone and could hear Eli in the back just moaning and I could tell he was having a hard time ...so I was planning on going down to NC today after Mady's b-day party with Joseph for a few days....but by later this evening he was feeling better and they had moved him to a regular room and removed some of the IVs and other stuff and he felt much better...He was still throwing up some but I suggested they try benedryl. When Anna has surgery she throws up lots and the last time the resident in the floor, after 12 hrs of her doing this post op said he read an article once that giving benedryl helped for this ...It did for Anna and so far Eli is not throwing up when she called tonite...So please pray that he will not anymore and that he will be able to eat something and keep it down.
They are doing just fine....learning all about America and a family
Friday, June 24, 2011
Eli is doing well-
Here is a picture of our sweet Eli after his surgery. He is doing well but is throwing up tonite. The surgery went extremely well. The doctors were happy with what they were able to do. Jenn shared you can hardly tell where the stiches and incisions are on his head. We are grateful that it is over and ask for prayers for his recovery. Thank you for remembering them today.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Please pray for our grandson, Eli Friday.....
Eli is scheduled for some major surgery tomorrow am at Duke. He has severe plagiocephaly- asymmetrical head shape. It will be about a 7 hr surgery and he will be staying some in the picu. He is pure sweetness to us and I hate thinking of how he will feel tomorrow. I ask for your prayers for his surgery and recovery. Jenn is also very pregnant and not feeling the best and Ella and Ezra are away in Florida with her inlaws ( who are great) but I know to Jenn the family feels seperated and the stress from the surgery- she and Jeremiah would appreciate your prayers for peace thru the next few weeks. Thank you.
Dancing together- Ahh Together
I love how the kids already home have come around the new ones. It happens everytime we have brought home a new sibling and I am always amazed at how much the children encourage and love them. Our kids have prayed for these precious ones to be home - every nite during our Bible and what a blessing it has been to watch them be together.
Annabel Funny
This was the first nite in our hotel...The kids knew what a toothbrush was and they were so excited about brushing. Stella and Stephen could reach the sink but Annabel could not....so she turned and spit in the "bigger" sink - the bathtub. Then she found a cup and got some water in it and washed herself by throwing the water over her head. She is so funny about things and my oh my she is the boss . Nobody bothers her for sure.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
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