Do you see where he likes to keep his hands... inside his clothes... he will drawl his hands into his shirts and you can just see his comfort level raise when he does. We also see less auto agressive behavoirs when he puts the arms inside. He is starting to get some muscles in his legs from all the activity. He will also walk with us holding onto him.
He has had a rough 2 and a half weeks coming off of his medicine. We have seen slapping return and he will take his fist and hit his chin hard... he has been frustrated with his body and the changes it is feeling as he does not have the medicine in him anymore... at first we wondered what happened and it hit us what was going on. He also started to refuse to eat... some days he would not eat his first bottle until 2 pm... I was not happy but we can not force him... I called our pediatrician and spoke with them and today I took him for just a check up and because I had strep I wanted to rule out that he was not sick... well even with his not eating as much he has gained another pound :) this momma was very happy about that. Dr. Weaver encouraged me that we were doing great and just to ignore for now the behaviors which is what we are doing. His ears and chest are clear but he decided to put him on an antibiotic because his throat looked red and his exposure to my strep and Ava's... We also talked about melatonin and decided to try it at nite. Tonite I gave him his dose and these pics are of him in my arms and we were singing and rocking in the kitchen for 20 minutes... I laid him down and he did not move and fell right to sleep. So I am hoping his nites will be more restful and peaceful... since he is so loud and active at nite he has been sleeping in the guest room so he would not bother anyone.. but hopefully now if this works well for him we can move him into the little boys room. There have been many positives like I hear him repeat da da da and he loves for me to pat the bed or his back or table to a beat and will repeat it some... he loves being with all the kids and his favorite toy to be in is the jumping swing with praise music on :) So far he is having a much better week ... maybe we have rounded a corner with the withdrawl symptoms that have heightened the behavior they gave him the medicine to sedate him for. We have also been praying alot for him to heal from this and to be honest I think that is what is helping the most.... especially the prayers of our little ones for Andrew... they are so sweet about him and will try to soothe and comfort him .
Are my eyes tricking me or does it look like he is getting a bit chubby ? :)
He looks healthy! Praying for his transition, so sorry it has been a rough one! God bless!
He is looking good, and cute as always!
Do you think he was swaddled for a long time in the orphanage?
His cheeks do look a little rounder to me too! I'm so glad to hear that that this has been a better week. Now, prayers that each week gets progressively better and better!
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