Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We bought clippers at Sams Club :)

We bought these clippers last week and Paul gave all the boys haircuts ... the clippers cost just 30 dollars and have worked well and what a savings... You can imagine - even when our barber gave us a break at 2 for the price of one...with 10 boys and Paul we have paid for the clippers and made some just with one use.


Difference2This1 said...

Clippers are great, aren't they! My husband's been cutting his own (I clean up the back) for a few years now...it started as a way of saving costs during our first adoption. We're DEFINATELY planning on figuring out how to cut little boys hair ourselves when ours come home!!

Pam said...

Andy cuts his own with clippers and I do both the kids hair and YES it does save tons! I can only imagine how much hair you guys had on the floor by the time you were finished with 10 boys!! WOW!