Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The sound of laughter always makes us smile.....

This is my cell phone ringer that I hear when someone calls me. I was inspired by my Bulgarian friend and lawyer when I was in Bulgaria around her mom. Her mom has a child laughing for her ringer. So when I came home I wanted to put one on my phone... honestly everytime I would hear Toni's mom's phone go off it made me smile... I did not like my choices that I could do here so Ben figured out how to record Ava laughing and that is what I hear anytime someone calls me... It has been a great conversation starter with strangers.... as they to seem to want to smile at the sweet sound of a child laughing.... then I get to share it is not just any child but one of my grandaughters laughing......

1 comment:

Penny said...

Just wanted to tell you that I read Joe's blog today. He is an incredible young man. Tell him he needs to continue writing and sharing his heart. I left him a comment on his last post. :)