Sunday, September 28, 2008

Abraham playing a special at our church

This is Abraham playing, "A Man After My Own Heart", by Gary Chapman at the services at church today. It is a beautiful song and he sang and played it with much emotion. He is our first adopted child. He has been home 23 yrs this December.... and he has blessed us many times with his music. He was also asked to play with " Cross Connection" a worship band here. He has perfect pitch, and can compose music and play very long pieces of music.... He does it all by "ear". I was so blessed to watch all the brothers and sisters... go up to him and pat him on the back or hug him, saying" you were great". I love how they support one another... it is like, as one of them accomplishes something in their life they all share in that in a special way.


Jennifer Hambrick said...

Send along our "pats on the back" and "we're proud of you's" to him as well!

Natalia said...

What an amazing gift that he has! You must be so proud - and yet take some credit for encouraging and facilitating such talent.

Thanks for sharing!

Christie M said...

What a wonderful testimony of the Grace of God!

Do you have a recording of video of it on Youtube??????? :)