Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bible and Journal time....

What is so significant about these pictures is that Ella is 4 and Mya is 8... When Ella was visiting us last week she would go upstairs with Mya to do her Bible and journal time too :) It is so important to us that our kids spend time daily reading their Bible and since journaling has been a big part of my life for now over 26 yrs. we have tried to instill this wonderful way to communicate - with our children. Amazingly so they all do Bible and journal every day. They also are required to read an hour a day and we go to the library often so they have lots of reading material.
We also often mention to the older kids how important "what they do and how they act has a huge influence on others".....this is a great example of this... Ella learning and desiring to do what Mya does.... May they both know and see the scriptures come alive in their own personal walks with the Lord.


Jennifer Hambrick said...

i love these pictures...and the fact that ella has a great "aunt" to look up to! lots of them =)

Difference2This1 said...

It was very encouraging to read this post; I actually showed this to my 2nd "see" what other kids really do regarding Bible reading is an encouragement to her; and I'm sure to read the comment about older kids influencing younger ones as well...good to read from someone else since it goes in one ear out the the other when I say it sometimes!! If you have a chance to post more details about direction you give on the Bible reading, I would love to read it. I'm struggling to get myself "orgnized" on what direction to give my children (11 yr old reading at 6th grade level; ~12 yrs reading at 2nd grade level, comprehending around 1st grade level??; 6 yr old reads around 2nd grade?; other 6 yr old is a very early reader). They are asking for help on what to you tell your children what to read or leave it to them to decide? Blessings, Jennifer

mommajeane said...

Hi Jennifer -diff2this1 - Actually no we don't give any direction on what to read. I do go over their journals every now and then to make sure they are doing them only. I do not read what they write. The accountability is just that they are doing it. Some of them are using a devotion book- I have many for teens and children and they can use them or not. In their journal we ask that they do write the Bible verse that they read and what it means to them. Sometimes during our family devotions time we will ask does anyone have anything to share and they will go and get their journals to share... they also see Paul and I doing this daily ( this is very important) so they know it is not just our words but our actions that do it and so it is important... something we value as a family- to spend time with the Lord :)