Monday, August 2, 2010

Our little " Rascal" Ezra

He is 2 almost 3 and the best description I can give is a rascal... but oh how he steals your heart with that I can do it myself , independent attitude... then I watched him go over to Eli and try to hug him ( but Eli did not want anything to do with that hug)... another 3 yr old with a passive rascal attitude that we love. I just love 3 yr olds... my of my and I have 3 "grand" babies that age... pure heaven for me... but way harder for the parents to parent :)


Pam said...

Our two's with Zachary have been enough...I'll be calling Jenn when I hit the threes!! HA!

Erika Noelle said...

We have 3 3 year old grandsons too!
And 4 year old and 1 year old grand sons, and 6 and 14 year old grand daughters and 1 grand son about to come into the world.

I know exactly what you mean about them being so fun and it being a favorite age, but much harder on mom and dad. LOL

Erika Noelle said...

oops, that was Christie!