Tuesday, December 8, 2009

And this is the last Tuesday that Gracie will be in her orphange

I love this picture of her holding the baby... she rarely played with the toys we brought... and then the one of her looking out... you could see it on her face... "I wonder what the world is like out there."

Praise God that we are almost back to our kids... and it is the last Tuesday that Gracie will be in her orphanage... I was reading their court decrees yesterday and how sad they were.. both were listed as Roma heritage- this is such a negative stigma for the Roma people and so sad for these orphans. Both were from unwanted pregnancies- how sad to me to not have been desired for from your birth... Gracie was listed as the "product of a rape"... We are very prolife and thank God their mothers chose life... because all life is precious and we feel so blessed to be their momma and daddy.


Kathleen said...

This picture of Gracie reminded me of one we have of Maria in Romania before we came to get here. She, too, is looking out at the world. She is wearing a little dress and red shoes, just like your Gracie. Blessings on your travels. I am so glad you are getting these two precious ones soon.

Ladybug said...

my husband and I have you in are prayers. My God be with you every step. What a great gift for Christmas. The gift of life.

Christie M said...

Every life is precious no matter how we get here! What a change is about to happen! PTL

Jodi said...

What a doll she is. She will finally know what it feels like to be cherished.


Tony and Dawn said...

Congratulations! It is so great to know they will learn what it is to be loved. God Bless -

smctiver said...

Hi Jeane & Paul,

I am so glad that you will be traveling soon to bring your little ones home. We'll be following your journey and you will be in our thoughts & prayers.

Safe travels!