Saturday, September 11, 2010

Doves were with me today outside.....

Question: "Why is the dove often used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit?"

All four Gospel accounts refer to the baptism of Jesus by John at the Jordan river (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22; John 1:32). The Luke account says “And the Holy Spirit came down in a bodily shape, like a dove on Him.” Because the Holy Spirit is just that—spirit—He is not visible to us. This occasion, however, was a real visible appearance, and was doubtless seen by the people. The dove is an emblem of purity and harmlessness (Matthew 10:16), and the form of the dove was assumed on this occasion to signify that the Spirit with which Jesus would be endowed would be one of purity and innocence.

Another symbol involving the dove comes from the account of the Flood and Noah’s ark in Genesis 6-8. When the earth had been covered with water for some time, Noah wanted to check to see if there was dry land anywhere, so he sent out a dove which came back with an olive branch in her beak (Genesis 8:11). Since that time, the olive branch has been a symbol of peace. Symbolically, the story of the dove tells us that God declared peace with mankind after the Flood purged the earth of its wickedness. The dove represented His Spirit bringing the good news of reconciliation with God. Of course, this was only in a temporal sense because true spiritual reconciliation with God only comes through Jesus Christ. But it is significant that the Holy Spirit was pictured as a dove at Jesus’ baptism, thereby once again symbolizing peace with God.

The Holy Spirit, when He assumes a visible form, assumes that which will be symbolic of the thing to be represented. At Pentecost, He assumed the form of “tongues of fire” (Acts 2:30) to signify the miraculous powers of language with which the apostles would be endowed and the power of their message. In the same way, His appearance as the dove symbolizes the gentle Savior bringing peace to mankind through His sacrifice.

Recommended Resource: The Holy Spirit by Charles Ryrie.

Today I was talking on the phone with a friend about the children . I was sharing some of their stories and medical as well as family histories before we adopted them. I looked up to our fountain that was just a few feet from me and there was this dove in our fountain. Then I looked up to the roof and just above was another dove. They both stayed thru my 30 min. conversation and did not leave even when our dog , Willy came by. I feel such a connection to this symbol of the Holy Spirit....and to the " gentle Savior bringing peace to mankind through His sacrifice. Today 9 yrs ago was not a day that many of us felt any peace but in the midst of such turmoil and pain as occurred that day we as Christians have the peace from our gentle Savior. I did not personally know anyone who died that day from the terrorist attacks. I did feel pain and saddness as I watched the day unfold . I remember feeling scared and in shock as I watched the chaos on our tv.The next day there were many church prayer meetings and lots of discussions when we went anywhere about what had happened. I had a peace and an understanding of whom my savior was that helped me greatly as I walked thru the next days. NIne years later thankfully I still know my savior, Jesus . He is just as real to me and apart of my life and each moment of my days as He was then ... If not even more so now. I pray for you to know this gentle Savior- giver of Peace... especially on this day that we remember 9/11.

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